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Early Bird Science is a podcast for morning people who want a little science to start their day.

India’s First Lunar Lander: Why Loss of Contact Is a Bummer but Also Brings Hope - Episode 4

India’s First Lunar Lander: Why Loss of Contact Is a Bummer but Also Brings Hope - Episode 4

Moon Half

To the moon! ...Almost!

Kristen discusses what happened during the Chandrayaan 2 mission on September 7, 2019 when the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) lost contact with their spacecraft as they were trying to land it on the moon. She talks about why the setback is a bummer but also gives her opinion on why this mission and others like it bring hope for space exploration and even human purpose.

References and Resources

Snail Slime Inspires Superglue - Episode 5

Snail Slime Inspires Superglue - Episode 5

EKGs Part 2 of 2 - Episode 3

EKGs Part 2 of 2 - Episode 3